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Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Tekhal dan Makhellang

Pada perjalanan keliling Eropa selama 17 hari ke 13 negara, Gus Dur bertemu dengan Ratu Beatrix di negerinya, Belanda. Saat jamuan makan, Ratu bertanya, apakah di Indonesia sisa-sisa  kebudayaan Belanda masih terasa. "O, ya, banyak sekali," jawab Gus Dur. "Misalnya. apa..?" "Misalnya dalam soal bahasa. Generasi tua masih banyak yang berbahasa Belanda atau setidak-tidaknya beraksen belanda.Maka pernah ada percakapan antara seorang tua dengan seorang anak muda. "'Asal Bapak dari mana?',tanya anak muda. Jawab si orang tua: Tekhal (tegal). "Lalu si orang tua balik bertanya,"Kalau kamu..? dari mana..?" Anak muda itu menjawab:"Makhellang, khekk!" Ratu Beatrix Ketawa, mendengar khekk yang seperti orang tercekik itu. Sumber buku "SAYA NGGAK MAU JADI PRESIDEN< KOK..!      ...
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barefoot on the beach

Barefoot on the beach warmed by the subtropic sun easily out of reach from faxes and the telephone i get happy when a dolphin join me for a swim my captiva island hideaway isn't complate not without you-what about you? you could jump a DC-8 and probably be here by eight my cativa island bungalow's perpect for two no attire is required just a toothbrush,dear, gause here we don't wear much barefoot on the beach the gulf invites me to get wet is it green or blue? i'm in perfect as a peach please send yourself to me by jet make me happy when your flight arrives and we dive ...
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Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


DON'T SLEEP AWAY THE NIGHTTomororrow'snear never i felt this way tomorrow howempty it will be that day it tastes so biter or are these the tears that i hide? to know that you'are my only light i love you oh i need you, oh yes, i do don't sleep away theis night,my baby please stay with me at least till dawn it hurts to know another hour has gone by and every minute is worth while oh i love how many lonely days are there waiting for me? how many seasons will flow over me? to be emotions make my tears run dry at the moments i should cry for i love you oh ineed yo oh yes i do don't sleep a way this night my baby please stay with me at least till down it hurts to know...

Kamis, 30 September 2010

Multi Radio Online

Multi Radio Onl...
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